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We offer a fully customized Sustainability Program that integrates technology and sustainability, strengthens the companies' brand in the ESG agenda, supports riverside families and protects the biodiversity of the Amazon.

The Program integrates technology and sustainability, storing all environmental, social and climate impacts, in addition to the governance indicators generated by the Project, in an ESG+ Token on blockchain. All of this is available in the MetAmazonia* digital platform database, ensuring integrity, transparency and traceability of information.

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An innovative platform that connects companies and socio-environmental projects in the Amazon Rainforest, offering solutions for neutralizing emissions and Carbon Credits. Fully aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, promoting positive impact and sustainability.

Implementation of social, environmental, and/or climate projects.

Creation of the client's reserve on the MetAmazônia digital platform.

Carbon credits related to the project implementation and proportional to the client's digital reserve polygon.

ESG Token on Blockchain Technology, with environmental, social, and climate impacts, as well as governance indicators generated through the implementation of the ESG+ Project.

Issuance of periodic reports with governance indicators and monitoring, containing the impacts generated by the project.

Production of marketing and communication content for the project.


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